Tuesday, April 8

19 things I love about us.

1) His good morning texts. Be it short, long or rushed. Nowadays, I treasure them even more because he is always up by 5am and ONLY have 15 mins to get ready before his sergeant gets mad. A short message is enough to make my day.

2) Random phone calls, simply because he "misses" me and "wants to hear" my voice. :') I get so damn excited whenever my phone rings and its him. :D If his text is a hard candy, then his call is a hard candy WITH A SURPRISE CENTRE.

3) All the selfies we take (just to make each other's day)

4) When he tells me how beautiful I am even, if I just woke up and my hair is all over the place.

5) Pigging out almost every weekend. Its really awesome how both of us are greedy when it comes to food and we'll always eat til our bellies feel like exploding. If it's not exploding, we'll order more. 

6) The way he whines whenever I joke about 'liking someone else' or 'clubbing'. It's funny cause he knows i'm kidding yet he still gets scared coz i'll start saying things that'll make it seem real.

7) How he secretly minds what I wear BUT PRETENDS HE DOESN'T. Then drop subtle hints that I should change. Or tell me to 'pull up / pull down' whatever that is revealing too much. Personally, I think all girls shouldn't wear something TOO revealing (or slutty). However sometimes, my top goes down (i think most girls will understand) and he'll be the first to "oi pull up your top."

8) He'll spend time with me even if he's tired.

9) The silly things he does just to make smile. Or laugh. Especially if i'm having a bad day. 

10) The way he'll kiss my forehead or hold my waist. Be it at home, or when we're out. 

11) How we nua. Or do nothing but talk about everything. It amazes me how we can do this for hours? Without being bored. Or losing topics to talk about.

12) For being my best friend and hearing all my rants, everyday stories, my problems, the teacher i hate, the assignment i'm stuck at, or even the rude auntie in the toilet. Every. Single. Thing, I tell this guy. He's also always there to support me whenever i feel down. To spur me on whenever i needed it. (I hope i do the same for you, babe!)

13) Holds my hands / thighs while driving. And kissing me too whenever there's a red light. I also love how i can stare at him while he drives. It's definitely one of my fave views.

14) The way we always take 10 mins just to say good bye. "I wish we had one more kiss (lucky i'm in love with my best friend)"

15) For not making me jealous. And for being sensitive enough to know how i'd feel / react if ever.. Well of course there were times when i got jealous (duhhhhh) but he's not the kind that would keep unnecessary close girl-friends, or go clubbing.. or drink, or do non-sense shit. (Not anymore, not after he met me.)

16) The way he wants me "post" things about him. Well he doesn't exactly ASK me to do it. But i know it makes his day whenever i tweet about him. ;) 

17) Inside jokes. What is a relationship when you guys are not on the same frequency page when it comes to jokes or sarcastic comments? Tbh, being bitchy with him is one of the best things in life.

18) Compare belly sizes after having a huge meal. Because we are disgusting like that...... HAHAHAHA.

19) The way he loves me. The way i love him. And the way everything feels perfect whenever we're together. 

Happy 19th month babe. 

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