Sunday, June 30


 Funny how things change. This was one of the first few pics we took alone... on the bus ride back from Jurong Island. I find it amusing how we didn't even think in a year's time, things would be like this.

Yesterday was one of the better Saturdays I had in a long time.
"Saturdate" as what sappy couples would call it.
A zombie movie followed by sushi buffet (eeeeeek we're just gonna be fat together one day yes) and a movie back at his place til late at night. It's not always we get to spend long hours together you see. Not after his school started again, and my work at the office came along.
Now that half the year is gone and we're closer to things getting tougher (a.k.a. army and my university starting) i'm starting to cling on to these days with him more.

Sometimes I'm not sure if people understand how it feels like to be with someone you really really really love. After my past 2 relationships, I will admit that this one with Bradley is different. How he makes me feel, how happy I always am when we're together, and how fucked up it is whenever we fight (yes we fight too).
Whenever people comment on couples being clingy, or people getting annoyed at those who prioritise their partner more, I'll just wonder to myself "are you for real? I'm sure you will prioritise someone too, once you've met them."

It's gonna be another week at the office. Well a month to go actually. :)
Pretty damn scared at how things would be changing... AGAIN.
The only thing i wish to keep constant though, is us.

I love you. :) 

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