Friday, March 14


This week started off with me sending Brad off to Pasir Ris #bookinblues hehe.
Tbh, i think i've gotten used to it already. Or maybe because school was rather busy? Assignments are piling up. And exam timetable is already out!! AGAIN. Omfg, it seems just like yesterday i was stressing over the amount of things i do not know how to do.. and shit. I'm gonna go through them again. Sobs. 

Skyped with Yijia on Tuesday night! Finally got to see her face after 3 weeks?? :O It was a good chat too. Though i think it was me talking 99% of the time..

Skyped with Mich too!! Sigh, sorta feeling "i wish i went to Aussie for uni". I mean come to think of it, ever since I was year 1 in poly and i realised there was no way i can make it to NUS / NTU.. I've set my eyes on Australia. I really thought i was going to.. I even went there for internship!! Hah. But things changed when i found out about SIT (current school now, also the 5th local university in Singapore that caters mostly to poly students) and Brad. I thought of giving SIT a try since it was local, cheaper and well.. I could avoid the long-distance-relationship shit. I am STILL thankful I got into SIT and how my r/s with Brad is going strong, but idk.. there's the freedom, independence and experiencing life thing that makes me slightly jealous. HAHA. But then again, i've had 3 months of that two years ago, and 6 weeks in Europe this year so.. 

Debratongster Thursday!! :} It was a great date day with like, me being me. A retard. And she being the typical bitch she is (kidding love) 

Who doesn't love Photo Booth eh!! :}

Not forgetting the impromptu ice cream date with poly friends coz Yongming was going in Tekong!

Pretty decent week I must say! :) It's quite a lonely Friday for me coz Brad isn't booking out tonight. And tomorrow too. Awwwww. But that's okay. I will probably watch some Suits or Modern Family, and study! Thank God for a hectic week while he is having field camp! :)

How was your week? :)

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