Wednesday, January 1


Photo set for 2013. :)
There are loads of things to be thankful for / happy in 2013. I'm gonna try to list all of them out!

  1. Pulling my GPA a tad higher (since it dropped in year 2)
  2. Graduated with a diploma in Chemical Engineering
  3. Getting accepted to SIT, Newcastle University! 
  4. Having the best set of poly mates (that will last)
  5. Leaving the "party phase" and the superficial friends that came with it. Not that i don't party now. I do. I just don't see the point in doing it weekly anymore. (I matured) This probably made Brad really happy too.
  6. Meeting new friends in uni and finding a couple of good ones.
  7. Working in MSD and EwF while waiting for school to start.
  8. Realising which set of friends i wouldn't want to lose, and making a point to keep in touch with them no matter how tough it is.
  9. Having the best parents, family (including my cousins) anybody could ask for!!! :) 
  10. Only trip in 2013 was Phuket.. nevertheless it was a great one.
  11. F1 for the 6th year.
  12. THE KILLERSSSSSSS <3 (best best best)
  13. Matchbox 20 & Rihanna (feeling happy coz i see more and more bands yearly)
  14. Last, but not the least.. my ever loving Bradley! :) For being there for me the whole year despite my daily flaws and retardedness.

I won't say 2013 was always happy too. There were bad things. Argued with my parents, Brad.. friends. Falling out with some of my friends.. Natural disasters. :/ I think all these made me realise one thing or two. Still I'm happy for whatever 2013 brought and i can't wait for all the new experiences and things i'll learn in 2014. :)

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