Wednesday, December 4

December 2013.

And..... just like that, the year decided to end.
I think 2013 was a fairly fast year.
I thought it was really slow while I was working though.. but then again, work was so boring, I think it felt like time was 1000x slower than usual.

2013 felt different.
Comparing my life last year to now, there's definitely loads of differences.
I would still say that I feel contented with the "now". :)

The friends I had last year, or the ones I was closer to of course changed. A LOT.
I guess over the years, i've learnt to stop getting myself too attached to people coz they leave.
They always do. Not cause they're sick of you (not always anyway) but cause they have to.
Move to another country? Change of lifestyle? The girlfriend doesn't approve? The boyfriend doesn't approve? Shit loads of reasons. I'm pretty contented with the ones I am STILL close to anyway.
Though I think we've all grown up somehow. Daily meet ups turned to monthly ones.. their life way too different to fit yours. I guess it's not the amount of times you meet, but the kind of mutual agreement you both have to remain as friends.

In uni, I gave up with the whole "choosing" of clique and having a distinct circle of friends too.
Cool ones vs bitchy ones vs smart ones. Whatever man..
I'm happy at how I can pretty much talk to anyone, or sit with anyone during lecture and not feel like a loner. But of course i'd still see people pairing up always and it does feel a bit lonely sometimes. But then again, i could always third wheel. :B

I should post up more pics......
To make this space less boring than it already is.

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