Wednesday, August 28

Andrea Woo Yi Jia!!

Pictures I found from my blog, two years ago..
Back in 2011, when I first joined the studies club for the upcoming orientation, I met this girl! Who knew we'd end up like this eh? ;;)

I still remember how we started off during our "katset" days. When we shared our stories about exes, then we both got into a r/s.. and a year later we both realised how we didn't even liked them that much and got together with another guy. HAHA. So similar la! :)

I know after camp period was over, we got busy with our own lives (since we came from different courses) and meeting up became more difficult. Then we both had internship at different timings and yup, we barely met already. But what I love about this girl is that no matter how little we meet, everytime we do / talk it feels like we were always together. There is nothing i wouldn't tell her, and i will always trust her advice on my problems.

Sadly, she's 3000+ miles away.. doing her degree in Brisbane. :C But boy am I super glad to have skype-d with her and just catch up on our lives. Can't wait til we meet at the end of this year babe! :) For the meantime, focus on your studies.. and remember to do what you have to do. :* I miss you so much!

The level of friendship you have with people does not depend on the amount of time you spend together.. I realised you can meet someone everyday, and still not end up as "friends forever". I guess it's the kind of stuff you both share that deepens the relationship and makes it last. :)

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