Thursday, March 14

My life in Temasek.

Results came out this morning. I was pleased to see my efforts paying off. Australia did wonders. My last sem was great. However, when I looked at my final GPA, I was disappointed. Totally hated myself with whatever shit that happened in year 2 that pulled it way too low. I guess it was the partying, the drinking, the friends, the lack of self discipline, and the thought of "exams are still far away". Nevertheless, I guess that's that. I have to live with whatever I have.

Looking back when I entered TP and DETESTING my class because they were just.. different from my friends. I was naive then. I wasn't shocked when my current clique told me how they didn't like me at first as well. People change though, and i'm glad I did. Cause these bunch of girls.. are the reason why I managed to survive poly life. Always there to remind me of due lab reports, letting me copy them (hehehe), giving me great advices, being a good listening ear, and being there for me whenever I needed them.

Shera, Atiqah and Fazlina. <3


After sometime, I realised how awesome my class is. Getting comfortable with almost everyone else, and actually feeling sad cause I know i'd miss them somehow. Special mentions to Joel, Maran, and Yongming. 

Year 1 passed by in a blur. My first ever major break up. Emotional days. Idk how I managed to survive school without anyone knowing how fucking sad I was, but I did. Cheer trainings. Frisbee days. Bunch of FOC friends that came and went. Cliques that were formed and gone stale. Joining OLTC, and actually dreading it at first, but loving it so much after that whole month of bonding.

So year 2 started. Some friends made during OLTC stayed, while the others were just.. yep. I got together with A. Which caused issues here and there, but that's that. The late nights got worse. I partied weekly, twice in a week even. I lost track of what was important and what was not. Sitting for an exam with a brain not in the proper state? Idk what was up with me. Year 2 was a happy year, or so i thought. But looking back now... they were just "mehhhhh" days. Special mention to the "PP Clique" because you were the great bunch of friends I made during my second year.

Then my last and final year, the third one. Like I said, I thought I was happy in year 2... but all the things I felt during the last year can't be compared. It started with CPTC. 6 weeks in Jurong Island. Waking up at four fucking forty-five every morning to reach Tampines by 615am. Then we travel for an hour plus to JI. The cold shuttle bus rides we spent sleeping in, getting off to "enter" JI, tapping our pass, breakfast, changing into our ugly suits.. wearing the helmet? Chilling in the pantry, the control room, chapteh in the classrooms, endless conversations, "laugh trip" during night shift, climbing C-100 (i remember how Brad pushed me with this by saying "Cmon squirrel".....) and much more.

CPTC was my favourite part of poly life. Aside from the fact that i bonded with my girls and got closer with newer ones.. (Bradley, Andre, Tenghua and Mak), it was.. it was just the best la okay! Hahhhh. Most enjoyable part. :)


The next day after CPTC ended, I flew to Aussie! :>
My friends sent me off and my "adventure" being independent began. I remember panicking about the proposals, about how "slack" my life was and "what if i dont have enough to write for my MP". But lo and behold, look who came back to Singapore LOADED? ;) Not just in terms of luggage, because yes i shopped like fuuuuuuuu.. But in terms of new friends made, the love I received, the knowledge and experience I gained!

Some pics from Aussie! Because I realised I barely posted any. (For memories sake)

I think one "weird" thing that happened while i was in TP was my elective choice. I clearly remember choosing Water Technology(water) as my elective, but for some banana reason they said I "didn't choose" thus they placed me in Pharmaceutical Sciences(pharma). That was the last choice I had in mind, so i panicked and asked to be moved to water. They agreed, however..... after some thinkings, I realised i had "nobody" in water as most of my friends are in pharma or Petroleum Techonology(petrol). So after asking to be moved to water, I requested to stay in pharma (p.s. mentioning it twice in the email to my teacher) but when the time table came out.. I was in PETROL. :O I didn't ask to be moved again because I realised i'd rather be in petrol than pharma anyway. But cool beans, no? 

All in all, my life in TP was awesome. :) Never expected it to be and i'm glad.
It's not always good stuff though? Bad things happened too.
People treating me differently because of... some events occurring. False rumors going around.
But yknow what they say? People throw rocks at things that shine.


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