Saturday, March 9


(4 March)
Somebody left the teenage years already... Ew you're old hun.
HAHA. Anyway, i came over and tried a surprise thing by baking the brownies that he liked (or i think he does, but he better finish it all up!!!!!!) Initially, I thought of bringing him to HV for lunch but then there was dinner with his sister in town so we ended up town-ing as well.

Too effing full from lunch............ (fish & chips) that we barely ate dinner at Paradise Dynasty. Heh.
It was a good day still. All days are good spent with him anyway. ;)

You see this annoying boy... that wouldn't smile properly. I had to try 15 photos i think? This was the most decent one.... 

These were from Thursday!! We had sushi buffet.. I think all we do is eat.
It doesn't help with the fact that I am TRYING to go on a diet for Phuket.

Ohwell, it's been 8 months I'm guessing? Since we started on something. After ending my previous relationship... and us "waiting til i got back from Aussie because its too soon to say" or "we're far apart and anything can happen". I never expected any of this to be honest. I always thought you'd get bored after a month, and that it wasn't serious at all. But yknow, we played along with it. Commitments, but no promises? We didn't wanna say "we'll end up together forever" because that's what everybody says and it doesn't happen all the time anyway. Looking at us now, I guess we can say that we've been through a LOT. Experiencing a whole list of FIRSTS... and arguments as well. Sadly.

I wouldn't know how life will be like if you didn't come along. But i am sure, crystal clear sure, that life is tons better with you around. :) I know I can be stubborn sometimes, and I tend to drown in my thoughts.. but you never fail to save me from them. I guess it's just hard, judging from previous relationships and influences from friends, but yes... everybody's different. And i should stop comparing. HEHE. :)

Thank you for everything love.
I am lucky to be your girlfriend. :}

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