Tuesday, February 19

when the daylight comes, i have to go.

Things that happened last week:
1) Chinese New Year
2) Ash Wednesday
3) Valentines Day
4) Last "official" day in school


Bradley picked me up from work and we studied before watching ABTM2 last Tuesday.
Ah yes, the long chinese new year weekend that took the chinese boy away from me.
Little did we know that Mich.... was two couple seats away from us. :O
Extreme mindfuck the next day when we met for mass and talked about how our "yesterday" went. 

After Ash Wednesday mass with my Michybichy! :} 

"Toilet aunty." 

Ah boys to men is a fucking good show yeah. I didn't expect myself to actually like it because 1) I didnt know anything about it 2) I didnt know any actor 3) NOBODY TO WATCH THE FIRST PART WITH ME. Okay tbh, the 3rd reason was why i didnt bother watching it already. Everybody watched it already, and i'm like the loner who hasn't. I've watched the first one 3 times btw. Thou shalt not judge. And I watched the second part twice. Heehee. Sgt Ong is a cutie, and Ken Chow too. And idk, maybe cause somebody has to enlist soon and i'm just like "woahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh bmt package." If you get what i mean.

My Valentines day was.... highly interesting this year btw. :]
It was just dinner @ home anyway, but somebody ate too much mussels...... :/
Okay maybe it's actually interesting now because nothing too serious happened but my "last official day" of school actually felt really fucked up because of this, and my PT term test, and my fake job interview thing.
I'm still wondering how i managed to survive that Friday (adding on my friends' woes) with an emotional tank filled. P.S. Yes, it over spilled. 

I think this was Bradley's vday gift for me... but he gave it a day earlier. Lolol. AYE but thanks babe. :) 

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