Saturday, November 10

Thailand. Day 3 & 4.

After chatuchak (btw, there wasnt much to buy for me.. hahahaha. my complaining sister who didnt wanna take the train, and yes we fought about it but she won in the end.. CAB BACK TO THE HOTEL to drop the stuff we had)

What is bangkok w/o tuktuk ride?

disgustingly haggard face..... 

Last and yummy dinner!! I forgot the what the place was called!
DAY 3 and DAY 4 in Thailand!!
Spent my Saturday morning visiting the Grand Palace with lovely temples, and omgosh really. I fell in love with the place. Things with rich history or just scenery will keep me preoccupied~
Initial plan was to visit Wat Po as well since the grand palace was just close by? But no.. it had to be "buddha day" which meant Wat Po and all the other temples will be closed til noon as the monks needed to pray. Andy and i decided to give chatuchak a visit then since it was only 10am by the time we finished touring the grand palace. Yes, we got up fairly early.

Tbh, nothing much to see / buy from chatuchak. Idk why... but well we went back to the hotel, and then to Wat Po cos it was noon already. Gahhhhhhhhhh. SO WORTH IT, seeing the lying buddha AGAIN. I was really small when i last saw it. 

It was fucking hot, and i was in jeans walking around but I wasnt complaining because I'd rather suffer the heat and see everything than be in shorts and not see anything. Ahhh well, we cabbed to platinum mall after that and the shopping began.

I bought a lot of tops i guess? But i expected more. Maybe its just me.. haaahhh but i had quite a lot of bahts left after the trip!! :/ We had a lovely dinner after everything, and we wanted to club or experience the "night life" in bangkok. Which we kind of did.... We went to Pat Pong (TROLOLOL). We wanted a decent club with decent thai teens clubbing, but we couldn't find any.... so we decided to just go back by 1am, pack for the flight the next day and yep!!

Bangkok was a good and quick trip for me. I wish it lasted longer, and yes i didnt quite wanna come back after that.. but hey, reality had to kick in somehow. And it did.

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