Saturday, May 12

Fast forward.

Looks like someone pressed the fast forward button for my life movie... Cause everything's passing by in a blur. Getting used to wake up at 445 am (its still hard on some days though), the whole day spent in my jumpsuit / coveralls and boots. Helmets and goggles on days outside in the plant (which is almost everyday) and having a great lecturer / trainer for my shift group.

Bonding with my class too. Why is it always the last year when the whole class decides that we actually like each other.... :/ I really do like my class now. A LOT. (i hated them before) Waiting for each other every morning to board the bus, same thing before going home. Suffering together with the heat, exchanging comments about everything. :) There are still some losers who just annoy me like every. single. day.... but the annoying's aside, its really not that bad.

I'm a month (?) away to Adelaide i think... Ticket's aren't booked yet. Lol. But my visa's approved... and everything's good so far. Been shopping for my winter clothes.... and I'm quite excited for this whole internship thing away from home. (Erasing the fact that i'll miss tons of people and maybe food)

I plan to be a skinny bitch once I get there. Yogurts for lunch and running. :)
PLAN ONLY. Confirm chop eat like a fucking babi lor.

ITS BEEN 2 WEEKS SINCE I'VE PARTIED. That's just cause cptc is really tiring, and by 10pm every night, I CRASH to my bed. Can't really say i miss the crowded scene, but i sure do miss the company, laughters and drinks.
Literally 2 weeks of sobriety. I passed last night's absolut and cuervo. Simply because i know i'll KO.
Yes, i'm a weakling (what my classmates always call me when i refuse to club) and a grandmother.

I'M BROKE AS SHIT BTW. Shitassbroke.
Idk how 1k got lost in less than 2 months? (not including my allowance for school, but i seem to finish that one up too) Literally down to zero as of today. :C

Okay i think there's enough words for one post. :B xoxo

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