Monday, May 14

Coz i love my mummy

Gave cptc a miss today because of the terrible horrible diarrhea that wanted to eat up my entire body from 3-345am. Dzzzzt. Didnt even wanna miss a single day in cptc, NOPE. But i had to because..... Shitting made me so weak. I nearly fainted btw. No kiddings.

So it was mom's day yesterday!!
Decided to go to town, ate at ewf for "snacks" while waiting for dad to end his tennis then have dinner.

Shopped quite a bit, but none were for me. Haha. All the things i wanted to buy were chucked to the corner.. Simply because "you wont use that for aussie" mehhhhhh. :/

Couldnt decide on where to eat for dinner, but we landed in Brotzeit. Main reason was so that dad could watch f1. But hey, we all did. :)


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