Sunday, June 1

it's a shot in the dark, but i'll take it

Exams finally ended. 30 May 2014 at 1030am.
The day I thought will take forever to come.. :O 
It's been crazy. Assignments after assignments.
Then exams in a *snap*.

First up, assignments were crazy. 4 to submit with 4 weeks to complete. Got back 2 assignments last week and they're both A's so yes *pats back*
Crossing my fingers for the other two. :D

Next, exams were.. as expected. Fucked up.
It's almost funny how crazy the first paper was.. when everybody left the exam hall feeling like shit. 
Legit shit. When we all got a shock with the first question. You know how it's like when you feel unsure about something and you get demoralised; all the other questions feel like they're wrong as well? And the double integration was so fucked up nobody could prove it. #engineeringproblems

Ohwell. We kind of expected it. I just do not want to resit any exam. Please.
I don't think my brain can make it. Ahhhhhh.

And here's some pretty pictures over the past month - ish? To make this boring post less boring. Heh.

My favourite boy. Who's always there for me. Like legit. And wants nothing but more time with me. I'm sorry for being so busy the past 10 weeks babe! But thank you. For understanding when my replies are short, when my weekends are half spent studying. For sitting next to me, dying of boredom while i read through my notes. I'm proud of you for surviving SCS and field camp!! You can do it babe. We can get through army together. And i'm always here! :)

Woohoo for polarised club masters!! :D 

Even in MBS, I am studying. #life


My uni friends!!!!!!! The bunch of girls that makes university life more bearable.
It's actually weird to be here at home typing this out, and not out at Starbucks, library or wherever coffee place we can study at, with them.
I'm really glad to have met them. At least we have the same frequency. Ish. :D
HEY GIRLS WE'VE BEEN DOING ASSIGNMENTS AND STUDYING FOR EXAMS SINCE SEMESTER ONE. ;;) Now let's hope we don't get sick of each other in Europe.. :*

Brunch yesterday with the shitster. <3
Been quite awhile since we hung out.. and had a decent meal WITH DECENT CONVERSATIONS, shopping and taking OOTD's. Though we usually fight.. (cause we share the same room) and she gets on my nerves in the morning, or at night.. or whenever she's cranky (pretty sure i do the same) i'm glad to know she always has my back!! And i hope she knows that i'm always here for her too.
Okay. Enough mushy stuff for the sister, goodbye.

Can't believe the Europe countdown can finally commence without the stress of exams and assignments. 6 weeks away from Singapore, in the place i've been dreaming of going since forever. :O WOOPEEDOO! I'll definitely miss my boy.. and my family.. and well.. my friends as well. :(

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