Sunday, June 8

why i loved my quiet 21st.

I was never big on parties. Didn't like the overwhelming attention, nor the planning.
Come to think of it, most of my life my parents always threw them for me (when i was a kid) and when i became a teenager my friends threw a few surprises here and there, but it was always a "one-group-of-friends" kinda thing. 

So now that i'm 21.. i told Brad and my parents that i didn't want a party.
At all. Don't get me wrong, i do like going for parties. I feel really loved whenever i am invited. ;)
But nah, not my thing.

The day before my 21st (eve, if you wanna call it) i had a lame briefing in school about the Overseas Immersion Program that's happening next month.. (i will talk about this next time) so anyway during lunch my uni friends surprised me with these pandora charms. Awww. <3

After lunch we planned a bit for Europe before i met my boyfriend who got a nights out!! YAYYYYYYYYYYY. 3 hours with your army-boyfriend is really like magic. :D

We had the usual japanese food (i will never get sick of japanese food) then we just chilled around JEM / Westgate. 

Then we took Photo Booth pics cause i had my mac with me.. :)

On my actual birthday, I worked at the office and earned myself $64. *kaching*
Then i met my mom, went to church and had dinner at Standing Sushi Bar! :]
It was my request cause i wanted sashimi.. sadly the queue was really long and i think the food quality dropped?? Mehhhh.

Here's me after a tiring day! And the flowers Brad 'surprised' me with. I sorta knew about it cause this "package delivery" called and insisted to deliver it to where i was? Even if it was in my office? They asked for the address. When i asked Brad, he kept laughing and saying "why would i?" But then again.. who else would! I thought it was a really sweet gesture and i teared when he admitted he did. HAHAHA. Oops. Thanks so much babe. :') For making sure i felt loved on my birthday.

So.. why was i very happy on my birthday?

  1. The people i wanted to spend it with was there for me.
  2. My friends (important ones) greeted me. I think that's more than enough.
  3. Brad showered me with love <3
Who needs parties? Surprises? And presents? I think knowing that the people you love, love you back.. is more than enough.

Goodnight xx

Sunday, June 1

it's a shot in the dark, but i'll take it

Exams finally ended. 30 May 2014 at 1030am.
The day I thought will take forever to come.. :O 
It's been crazy. Assignments after assignments.
Then exams in a *snap*.

First up, assignments were crazy. 4 to submit with 4 weeks to complete. Got back 2 assignments last week and they're both A's so yes *pats back*
Crossing my fingers for the other two. :D

Next, exams were.. as expected. Fucked up.
It's almost funny how crazy the first paper was.. when everybody left the exam hall feeling like shit. 
Legit shit. When we all got a shock with the first question. You know how it's like when you feel unsure about something and you get demoralised; all the other questions feel like they're wrong as well? And the double integration was so fucked up nobody could prove it. #engineeringproblems

Ohwell. We kind of expected it. I just do not want to resit any exam. Please.
I don't think my brain can make it. Ahhhhhh.

And here's some pretty pictures over the past month - ish? To make this boring post less boring. Heh.

My favourite boy. Who's always there for me. Like legit. And wants nothing but more time with me. I'm sorry for being so busy the past 10 weeks babe! But thank you. For understanding when my replies are short, when my weekends are half spent studying. For sitting next to me, dying of boredom while i read through my notes. I'm proud of you for surviving SCS and field camp!! You can do it babe. We can get through army together. And i'm always here! :)

Woohoo for polarised club masters!! :D 

Even in MBS, I am studying. #life


My uni friends!!!!!!! The bunch of girls that makes university life more bearable.
It's actually weird to be here at home typing this out, and not out at Starbucks, library or wherever coffee place we can study at, with them.
I'm really glad to have met them. At least we have the same frequency. Ish. :D
HEY GIRLS WE'VE BEEN DOING ASSIGNMENTS AND STUDYING FOR EXAMS SINCE SEMESTER ONE. ;;) Now let's hope we don't get sick of each other in Europe.. :*

Brunch yesterday with the shitster. <3
Been quite awhile since we hung out.. and had a decent meal WITH DECENT CONVERSATIONS, shopping and taking OOTD's. Though we usually fight.. (cause we share the same room) and she gets on my nerves in the morning, or at night.. or whenever she's cranky (pretty sure i do the same) i'm glad to know she always has my back!! And i hope she knows that i'm always here for her too.
Okay. Enough mushy stuff for the sister, goodbye.

Can't believe the Europe countdown can finally commence without the stress of exams and assignments. 6 weeks away from Singapore, in the place i've been dreaming of going since forever. :O WOOPEEDOO! I'll definitely miss my boy.. and my family.. and well.. my friends as well. :(

Wednesday, May 7


And I go crazy 'cause here isn't where I wanna be 
And satisfaction feels like a distant memory 
And I can't help myself, All I wanna hear her say is "Are you mine? " 

 Well, are you mine? (Are you mine tomorrow?) 
Are you mine? (Or just mine tonight?) 
Are you mine? (Are you mine? Mine?)

Sunday, May 4

Ahhhhhh. School's nothing but stressful recently.
Assignments >> exams in 15 days time? I don't even know..

Wednesday, April 23

I didn't choose the fat life, the fat life chose me.

Here's some pictures of the food that went inside Brad and my bellies during his block leave.

Noodles + waffles for supper on Sunday!
$2.50 chicken rice for lunch on Monday!
Sashimi feast on Monday night!
Okay, i didn't eat his dog.. but it was a cutie pic of Elly on my lap while i studied hehe.
Bak Ku Teh for dinner on Tuesday! We had ice cream after this, but i forgot to snap a pic!
Cheapthrills for $1 amidst all the school work
SIGHPIE my date ignoring me :( Kidding babe!! Nah he wasn't. Apparently i 'always' ignore him first.. so he'll use his phone. =)) BUT I WAS SNAPPING PICS OF YOU, YOU DOOFUS. :-*
Creamier in Toa Payoh! Definitely must go~ :)
Kway Chap on Saturday around my area!
Paella for lunch on Easter Sunday! ^^

Heehee. So on Easter Sunday, after the service.. my parents told us not to get changed first because THEY HID 4 EGGS AROUND THE HOUSE. Each child must find 1 egg (fair & square), and the fastest person can find 2 eggs!! AND IT'S MEEEEE~ Mwahahaha. I found the eggs within 2 minutes. Idk if i'm just lucky, but yeah! My parents said "okay enough give your siblings some eggs" HAHAHAHA. It was equivalent to money okay. (see pic below, momma handing me some cash)

I know Easter egg hunt is for children.. but hey, we're all young at hearts! I actually thought it was fun. :D

And that summarises my week last week. So much food with Brad.. such fatties forever. <3
This is the last week of "Easter Holiday"(more like assignment month).. assignments are almost completed! Success. Managed to complete most within 3 weeks? Now i'm rushing to study for exams!

I hope everybody is okay! :) 

Sunday, April 13

Recruits, no more!

Slept at 3+ am on Friday (or Saturday morning) cause i was trying to keep Brad company during his route march via text. Heh. Eventually gave in and slept for 2 hours before heading down to the floating platform for his passing out parade.

Funny how people told me to come late cause the parade was gonna be real boring.. I LOL-ed and got pretty scared but then i thought "if i was gonna get bored sitting down; what about those to-be-soldiers?" Didn't quite know what to expect cause it was my first one.. But i was pleased! :)

With Erica! (Brad's sister)

Freaking gloomy weather. What's worse was that IT POURED. Like legit drench-kind of pour. Thank God they gave ponchos and Brad's mum had an umbrella. We had to sit there like peasants, dripping wet, looking like aliens with ponchos. :/ Thankfully the rain lessened and eventually stopped throughout the whole ceremony! (It started pouring again when the parade ended so phew, lucky indeed!)

I don't know if it's just me but i was always interested in army. It was cool and cute how they marched. Like little ants. Didn't exactly pay attention to whatever the speaker was saying cause the mum and i were chatting (about Brad, HAHAHA).

They remind me of my bro's toy soldiers! Heh. 
Frankly speaking, I wasn't bored. I actually enjoyed the whole thing. 

And woohoo, the proud moment of cap throwing! The roar was really cute too. And when they threw their caps after the speaker said "We present to you the soldiers..." (is that what they said? Idk i can't remember) i felt so... HAPPY. <3 Like legit happy. You could see from their faces + actions too. They were jumping around, hugging and... :') It was just a good sight.

I guess I would know how happy it must have felt because I am together with a recruit. Who complained about how "tough" life is in Tekong. People who ORD probably won't remember much and say "ahya BMT only" but i think they felt the same misery. Just that they're over it so they think it's not as bad now.

He was making me rub this belly here -.-
Hi babe, i'm really proud of you. 9 weeks wasn't easy. For you especially. I'm sorry for having to deal with me even if you already had too much shit on your plate. I'm proud you passed IPPT and attained a silver. I'm even happier at how you got it for me. *heart melts* I know running was never your forte, and you hated it so i'm really happy. I'm proud you survived field camp. I'm proud you survived all the push-ups they gave. All the leopard crawls. Fridays and weekends never felt so precious before. Your text never felt like gold too. Having enough older guy friends, i know life after BMT doesn't exactly get better. I hope you get into what you want baby! :) It'll be tough again after this one week of break, but i'll be here for the remaining 20 months of your national service. Or at least try to be. :) <3

I love how this photo turned out. The view at the back was perfect and it wasn't even planned. ;)

Oh did i mention how bad the smell was? IT WAS BAD. Horrible. Disgusting. Dreadful. Rotten. Stinky. Apparently, if they stood under the hot sun, the smell would be worse. I don't really wanna experience that. :/
Also, he made me smell his ILVB? Or vest. Let's just call it his vest. Fucking hell?
It was bad. His socks smelled bad. 
Everyone smelled bad actually.
But i smelled it because he asked me to, and because i love you even if you are a stinky poo.