Wednesday, June 6


I am finally 19 years old! =]
Okay i dont really care about the age, or the presents (just the slightest bit)....
My favourite part of birthdays are the heartwarming texts, tweets, fb wall posts you get.
Although 98% of the greeters remembers your birthday cause facebook reminds them to.

How my day went?

1. Breakfast in the airport with my friend Reichelle, who just came back as an exchange student in France. So much stories shared, exchanged, ahhhhhh~ And Laduree macarons, yes. <3
2. Church + lunch at MBS with my Mom, sister and 2 aunts.
3. Rushed to school to meet Ahmad for a bit before heading off to Tampines to meet my friends.
4. Bought bk for dinner real fast then rushed to the bus.

Okay now this shit was DOPE okay. Effing crazy bus ride to jurong island.... I wanted to sleep, but you just can't when people are all over the place. Did fuel switch over to diesel, but it was pretty slack, so we just chilled + talked til about midnight when we had our break.

Had my little cheesecake and candle birthday song moment. Took the speakers, "clubbed". Went out coz we're too bored, did field monitoring, climb v102, the view was just magnificent. <3 Ahhhhhhhhh.

Although my batt officially died at 530 am, that i fell asleep while we're outside in the plant doing shutdown...

And Andre took the liberty of posting it. Hahhahhah.

More pics next time OK! (highly doubt it too cos im so lazy to transfer here there everywhere)
Follow me on insta: @stickytapes

I LOVE YOU SWEETHEART, @kyshenko. (p.s. happy 1st)

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