Sunday, April 15

you are young darling, for now. but not for long.

Saw this pic.. and it gave me this sudden WANT to ink myself.
But then of course the boyfriend disapproves. :(
My mom didn't seem happy with it too, saying "if you're just gonna laser it off, what for?" in a sad tone.
Yeah i know. Tattoos = wild girls or whatever prejudice you have with it.
I do want one somewhere above my knee.
BUT THE PROBLEM IS, it's pretty open for everyone so more judgement.
Plus work interviews..... (sigh)
Then again, I can wear long pants for interviews instead of skirts.
Hah hah hah.

I also think the moment I ink it... i'll be addicted to inking.
Prolly ink so much out of impulse.
I've loads of friends who inked their bellies and places where its normally covered with clothes.
Shall I?

I just think that just because people have tattoos, or they smoke, or they drink / club or even drugs.. i mean, that doesn't mean they're a bad person? Honestly, I think they're just habits that help us enjoy life somehow.
Alright maybe drugs might be a little too extreme.
Nevertheless, I don't like it when people say stuff like "oh but he smokes right?"
Or "she goes clubbing? OMG."

TIGHT SLAP IN YOUR FACE. Clubbing is not equals to making out, looking for guys, grinding, AIDS or drugs. Srsly how naive can people get. YES THEY DO EXIST INSIDE. But 80% of the people who club goes for the alcohol and the music. Okay maybe 50% only. Hah hah. But i'm definitely inside the 50%.

YOLO. you only live once.
Why not experience everything?
Inking myself, piercing my tongue / belly....

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