Wednesday, March 28


SO, after watching the trailer.. and everyone talking about how exciting it is and me giving the "PLEASE, its just a fucking movie. Calm your tits." and eventually watching it with my boyfriend because I secretly think its a cool movie + we like watching movies.........

Well fine. You caught me. I'm hooked. PRETTY BADLY.
:x :x :x
I admit the movie was awesome, but after reading the book.. I'm like "NO FUCKING WAY"
Haha, I guess it makes you "feel" everything more. The worries, the feelings... Yeah.
The boyfriend gave me the first book on Sunday, by Monday.. I'm already on the second book.
Now it's Wednesday and I'm SADLY almost finished with the 3rd book. *wails*
I've been pausing. A lot. Cause I dont quite want it to end yet. :(

Personally, I favour Peeta more. Idk why, it's like how I always preferred Jacob for Bella. (YES I READ TWILIGHT, and yes i found it nice)
I prefer guys who loves the girl more than anything. I think they deserve more love than ever.

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